Sunday, July 18, 2010

Shower Thoughts

In what environment do you solve problems the best? Work? Home? Your desk? In bed?(!)

I have found that the most productive place for me to come up with innovative, or at least good, solutions to problems that are vexxing me is........ in the shower! Multiple times I have been pondering a problem for which I have no solution, or solutions already considered just don't seem to be satisfactory. Not intending to actually take a shower to solve the problem, many times a great solution comes to me while I am in the sower stall, at home.

This amuses me to no end. What about the shower environment causes my thought processes to enter a better problem solving state of mind? Humidity? Warm water caressing my head? "Coming clean"? A psychological return to my embryonic start of life? Who knows! I am very happy with the solutions that have been an epiphany in the shower. Certainly, I have a plethora of other problems that have had no shower solution; it does not work on command, unfortunately. However, there have been enough problems solved while showering that I look forward to the next time it DOES happen!

I am also amused that other people have related to me, unprompted, that they solved a particular problem while taking a shower. My attorney/friend/client, Jeff R., related to me just this past week that he realized an important fact in a case while he was taking his morning shower. We compared notes and found that the experience is common for both of us.

How about you? Have you solved knotty problems while taking a shower? Is there another place or activity that is an uncanny solution source for you? Please tell me about it.

Problem solving in the shower. You might agree that this is a good place for solving problems. On the other hand, you may think this idea is all wet....... You may be right!

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