Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Learning to Dance

In March 2007, Sandy and I started taking ballroom dance lessons at a studio near our home. We have gradually increased our involvement (translation: made a larger time and financial investment!) and have come to fully enjoy the activity. It has many features:

we spend time learning something challenging.... together,
it requires teamwork,
we get pretty good exercise,
there are many other like minded people that are intentionally friendly,
it is really good therapy for taking your mind off your daily worries, AND
it gives me an opportunity to be in Sandy's arms!

We have progressed a little beyond simple steps, but both of us are regularly humbled by what we struggle to learn, and by observing what some others seem to have learned quite well. It is incredible to know a little, and just enough to know how difficult it is to make beautiful dancing look effortless.

Regardless of our eventual development, we each hope that someday we can simply dance comfortably, without having to actually count in our heads and think about which foot to move where! Sometimes we actually make it completely through a musical piece without having to stop and restart, or without stepping on each other's feet. However, the best part is when we are able to dance like there is nobody watching!

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